MinyonaELITE - #1 SMMA Community For Up-And-Coming Digital Marketers
Borrow My $120K Per Month SMMA Framework To Consistently Attract And Keep 'Top Dollar' Clients
Discover How I Was Able To Go From A Broke College Dropout
Who Couldn’t Afford Rent To A
Recession Proof 7-Figure SMMA CEO In Less Than 1 Year…

This is not for the weak minded,

I don’t care if you’re lost with cold outreach and niches…

If you’re a ‘natural introvert’ with zero self- confidence…

Or if you’re ready to punch a hole through your wall after hearing one more "How to launch a 10k SMMA in 30 days tutorial” that doesn’t work out…

Before you spend a single minute more reading what I rant about next let me be perfectly clear…

I’m NOT Going To Give You What You WANT.

If your immediate goal is to build a respectable 5 to 6-Figure Per Month SMMA that can actually deliver amazing results to your clients, then I’m going to give you what you need….

… and not “what you want” which is a bunch of free ‘successful outreach templates’ and golden niches promised in bogus YouTube tutorials.

Which is why over the next few minutes, I’m going to reveal the same 4-Step Success Structure I used to go from having one big fat zero sitting in my bank account (I actually had negative balances many times) to, well… having at least six big fat zeroes in my bank account.

Because let’s both be honest here …

Your REAL problem isn’t…

… that you don’t know you need to be making more cold calls…

… or that you forgot you need to do more cold email outreach…

… or that you don’t “grind” hard enough.

No, NO.

Don’t you agree if you send outreach messages over a long enough time frame that you’d eventually get a ‘yes’ in your inbox from prospects with a little trial and error? (uhh… Yes)

Your actual problem is not having a proven framework that guarantees you deliver amazing results to any client over and over and over again on repeat without fail.

Having a proven repeatable (and scalable) SMMA framework is what allows you to…

… be calm, confident, and intelligent on sales calls…

… keep the clients you do close happy…

… grow their businesses…

… replace your paycheck-to-paycheck 9 to 5…

… unlock time, location, and financial freedom…

… have your friends and parents question whether or not your money was made illegally after they see you doing things and buying things that their 9-5 can’t ever afford them (this happened to me, and it was an amazing feeling)…

And it’s a concept that you can use immediately to finally overcome what’s been preventing you from not only closing new clients, but keeping and scaling them.

MinyonaELITE Is The Only System I Know Of That’s Proven To Get Stuck SMMA Owners Like You Out Of Your Rut So You Can Finally Start Earning What You Know You Can Earn!

Regardless of your current skill level…

Time available each day…

Sales Skills…


Take a quick look at what I mean…

Keep in mind those are 100% REAL results from real people just like you…

And all of them have gone into this system and come out on the other side transformed HIGH-OUTPUT SMMA Owners…

And I can’t stress this enough:

This isn’t another one of those pointless ‘make $10K fast’ tutorials.

You don’t need to already have a client …

Or create a bunch of your own YouTube content to get seen…

Or resort to signing up for Fiverr or Upwork…

Or anything like that.

In fact, if you stick with me for just a few moments you’ll learn some of the daily tasks you’re probably doing are actually reducing your ability to make it as an SMMA CEO.

But first I want to tell you a little more about MinyonaELITE…

 So far, I’ve helped over 100 people experience what I would consider the best feeling in the world…

Building a successful SMMA that replaces your current day job.

And believe it or not…

MinyonaELITE Was Built Using The Same Success Structure That Lead To

My Own $120K Per Month SMMA Success…

You probably haven’t heard of me…

My name is Michael Mignogna.

I used to search for spare change under my sofa to buy cigarettes.

To pay the bills I worked at a restaurant in New York City.

Other than that… I was flat broke.

The life I was living was a direct result of my life choices.

I was in and out of college.

I majored in several different things because I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life.

The entire time I skipped classes, didn't do any work, basically an on-and-off college dropout just so my life at least felt like it was heading somewhere.

It wasn't until I was around 24 years old that I decided to do something with my life -- stand up comedy.

Making people laugh was great but it didn’t pay the bills.

I was lost, broke, and miserable.

To keep a roof over my head I worked at a restaurant in New York City.

There’s nothing worse than working a crap dead-end job knowing you’re meant for so much more.

I just needed a way out.

It wasn’t until one of my actor friends (who also worked with me at this restaurant) said he needed a website for his acting career.

Out of nowhere I blurted out, "I'll build you one! I'll build you a website."

He paid me $400 without knowing I had zero clue how to build a website.

I just knew I could figure it out and that I needed the money.

So I went home and figured out how to use GoDaddy.com to build my friend a website.

I actually had to call GoDaddy to ask them how to build the damn thing.

But guess what?

I figured it out.

I ended up launching it, got paid and then started telling people I make websites.

Before too long word got around in my network that built websites for people and soon enough the referrals started coming in like a wildfire.

I even began doing email marketing for that guy by figuring out MailChimp.

One problem though...

I wasn't getting results for any of my clients.
I didn't know what I was doing.

I had no plan to actually guarantee them good results.

Yes, running my agency was making me a little bit of money…

But I was feeling like crap all the time because I wasn't actually certain that I was ever going to be able to get any of these new clients good results.

It wasn't until the stress of feeling like a fraud started to creep up behind me that I decided to man up and come up with a way to start performing.

I sat down and said out loud as I stared at my computer:

“What am I missing? What’s holding me back?”

My mind was blank.

An hour passed.

I was pacing furiously back and forth in my bedroom.

And then two hours… three… four… before I knew it I went through the entire night without a single good idea.

It’s like my mind had a mental plug that just wouldn’t release.

I started laughing like a lunatic at my own frustration.

That’s when it all clicked…


When I performed at my stand up comedy shows I had a routine…

A ‘success structure’ to make sure I remembered all my jokes and that they all sort of flowed together.

I got to work right away on applying this same foundational principle to my SMMA client work.

“I should have done this a long time ago,” I said to myself after crushing it for every SMMA client I had.

The best part was that I immediately turned around and used those results to land bigger and better clients.

Some of those clients I still have today that I’ve been able to scale unimaginably beyond belief.

All because I sat down, analyzed the chaos making me sick, and developed a surefire way to guarantee great results every single time without fail.

This is why I want to fast-track your success the right way.

I want you to avoid all of the pitfalls and all of the spinning of the wheels and the weight of wasting of time that I experienced as a young 20-year-old who was lost and depressed and unfulfilled, living a life that was not wholesome.

Being productive and building something amazing and the self-esteem you derive from that is just you can't… you can't get it any other way.

There's no shortcut to it.

You have to actually earn it and you can earn it by knowing how to do great work.

So don't waste another second of your life! Join me...join us!

And you can learn to do great work from people who are already. doing. great. work.

This is exactly what I want to give you.

If you can catch a wave and accomplish your goals way faster, way easier and with a lot more success…

That's exactly what I want to have happen for you.

If I can make that happen with you and for you, man that would make me so happy.

Chances are you’re in the same exact spot I was all those years ago:

No clue what you’re doing.


Wondering whether or not you should just “give up.”

Both you and me know you can work like a madman on a mission, but you’re just not sure where to put the obsession.

If that’s you right now…

Join Others Inside MinyonaELITE To Earn The Life You Know You Deserve

But let me be clear…

I’d be a complete liar if I promised you’re going to rake in $10,000 within the next month…

That’s ridiculous.

Even I didn’t do that, and I can only teach you what I know…

But, I will promise you one thing…

If you follow this done-with-you roadmap…

Consisting of in-depth training on sales skills, attracting new top dollar clients with Meta ads, writing killer sales copy, weekly live calls, screenshot templates you can copy-and-paste, and much MUCH more…

You Will Land Top Dollar Clients,

Get Them Amazing Results, And

Get Paid Handsomely For Your Work.

I promise you that.

Like I said, it is the best feeling in the world.

And right now I’m going to share with you the roadmap I personally used to grow (and keep 
growing) my own SMMA into the $120K GIANT it is today…

It’s a small exclusive community where I personally help fed up SMMA owners get out their $0 ruts and into the laptop lifestyle, which I call the Minyona ELITE.

And if you’re willing to stick with me for just a few minutes, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know.

Including exactly WHAT Minyona ELITE is…

WHY this small elite group of SMMA CEO’s is the fastest growing community you haven’t heard about…

WHO has already gone from 0’s in their bank account to collecting 4- and 5-figure deals by joining this community.

And most importantly HOW you can copy-and-paste my exact methods into your own SMMA.

But first let me ask you something…

What Would YOU Do If You Already Had The Skills To Live The Laptop Lifestyle?

Before I go any further…

I really want you to think about it.

What would your life be like if you could guarantee outstanding results for every client you land?

Would you finally be able to leave your dead-end BS 9 to 5 job?

Maybe you’d fly to the Maldives for a month…

Imagine your parent’s faces as you facetimed them from the beach… with them questioning 
whether or not you’re making money ethically.

Imagine all the DM’s you get after tagging your location on your Instagram Story …

Imagine all your friends asking you, “How… HOW… are you there? Where did you get all the money to just disappear somewhere exotic for a month…?”

That’s what happened to me when I got truly serious about growing my SMMA. (And I’ll tell you all about that in a minute.)

But first let me just say…

When you can consistently over-deliver for your clients and in return pull money from thin air… it feels like almost anything’s possible.

And I can guarantee you NONE of this will ever happen:

🚫NO MORE staring at 0’s in your bank account month after month

🚫NO MORE jumping niches week after week

🚫NO MORE binging endless ‘tutorials’ and ‘strategies’ on YouTube

🚫NO MORE coming up with whack cold call scripts that don’t get you past “Hello, my name is…”

And last but not least…

🚫NO MORE clocking into your dreadful 9 to 5 wasting your life away when you know you DESERVE to be jet setting around the world, retiring your parents, and raking in life-changing money.

Just Take It From My Current Mentees already inside The MinyonaELITE

So what do you think?

Would you be willing to take the next 8 minutes to learn about this PROVEN community that could change your life, and ultimately your family’s life, forever?

Please think about this carefully.

Because if you’re just someone that likes the IDEA of being a CEO of a 7-Figure SMMA…

But never actually wants to get down in the trenches and work…

Do us both a favor and click the ‘X’ and leave this page for good.

If you’re someone that would rather have an ‘ordinary’ life…

Maybe make $1,000 here and $1,000 there on the side in your time after your 9 to 5…

You just won’t fit in inside the Minyon ELITE community.

Because this is an exclusive program only for those who want to be extraordinary and actually get great results by doing the work.

Do you want to dominate your niche?

Do you want to be recognized as the last marketer your clients will ever need because you deliver for them… EVERY SINGLE TIME?

Do you want to be the guy who looks after his family and makes your parents proud?

Let’s give it a go then.

Step #1

Market Saturation

In the first phase, many of my new MinyonaELITE members all have the same common concern when they join:

“My niche is too saturated.”

They want to jump into a niche but worry they won’t be able to land any clients. I faced the same issue when I started my SMMA.

But even after 11 years of owning and growing my SMMA to the freakin’ moon, one thing I’m sure of is this:

A great marketer who knows he can deliver results never even considers whether a niche is “too saturated.”

He just knows he can show up, land a client, and make them a force to be reckoned with because he’s taken the time to sharpen his skill and follow a proven success structure.

More marketers in your niche actually is a good thing.

It means the other 99% use the generic YouTube tutorial advice (it’s free for a reason).

In this step I will show you exactly what you need to know to show up to any niche, deliver outstanding results, and dominate.

Step #2

Becoming ‘Stone Cold’

“I started sweating bullets before the dial tone even started.”

With my unique sales call approach, you can hop on any sales call and be cool, calm, and collected.

Those sweaty palms and intense heart pounding you experience just before the prospect joins the call is just the result of not having a detailed yet easy sales process to follow.

Everyone realizes after a few successful calls that the brain only needs to know a few key points to avoid the nervousness and second-guessing.

That’s the path I took and all of my students took inside the MinyonaELITE.

If they could do it, so can you!

Step #3

Post Call Clarity

There are some key elements you MUST have after you’ve closed a client and are planning the agreed project work.

The most important decision at this point is developing a project success structure.

I will guide you through crafting your own proven and repeatable process that you will use for every one of your projects to guarantee outstanding results.

Every single time.

In Step 3 you will feel much more confident in yourself and in your ability to deliver great results to any client.

Step #4


I was hesitant to announce this section publicly at first, but screw it…

Once you get to the point where you’re ready to go from a swamped one-man operation and become an agency titan there’s two pitfalls guys always face.

Here I’m going to not only point out these two pitfalls but I will also give you my A-Z SMMA framework for “How to scale without crashing and burning.”

This information is what I personally went through the hard way when I got my first bit of success.

When it comes to scaling an agency, this is the difference between a state-of-art rocket ship or an old rickety passenger plane held together by duct tape.

And now that you know a bit about the process…
Let me remind you…

MinyonaELITE is The Only Process of Its Kind…

I’ve already shown you dozens of others just like you
Who were able to replace their dull 9 to 5 jobs
In less than a year after they joined

If that’s not enough…

Take a look at these success stories from MinyonaELITE members within the past month.

…But how can it help you?

Whether it’s replacing your 9 to 5 income…

Being able to live life on your own terms…

Or even retiring your mom and dad…

I want to get you to wherever you want to go…

But in order to get there, you need to be able to deliver for your clients.

Like these guys…

And today I want to do the same for you…

All you have to do is…

Agree to Join MinyonaELITE Today

And remember it’s the only program of its kind

Because it actually enhances your ability to deliver results as a marketer…

… and not just helping you get clients but then leaving you to figure out how to manage a client relationship.

This isn’t one of those YouTube playlists where you can just watch a few videos… skip a few…

It’s a very carefully structured framework that I’ve perfected over a decade of trial and error.

Like I said earlier, this is not a complicated program.

My students simply follow my method, put in the reps, and reap the results.

You don’t need to be good at sales.

You don’t need to have a client already join.

You don’t need any fancy website SMMA made.

But - you do need just one thing…

You need to WANT to succeed.

That’s it.

If you can promise me that one thing…

…I can promise to take you there.

And it all starts with what I teach inside MinyonaELITE.

Now in case you haven’t guessed by now…

Access to the MinyonaELITE is not free.

And I’m sorry, I wish I could just give it to you for free.

But the fact of the matter is I would be losing money… and would very quickly need to shut down before going bankrupt.

Between all the cash I spent doing the research, hiring a team to film and edit the videos, creating and hosting websites, producing and publishing the training modules…

I’d estimate I’ve already spent over $39,400…

Now I can’t charge you $39,400 for the Minyona ELITE

Even though it’s cost me a lot to make it available to you.

So today I’ve lined up a very special price for this exclusive community.

And if you take me up on it now, I know you’re going to love it.

But before I tell you the awesome deal I have lined up for you, let me throw in a few more things to really make this a no brainer

You get ALL These FREE Gifts When You Join MinyonaELITE Today!

👉 How to Create Irresistible Offers High-Profile Clients Can't Refuse

👉 How to Build an SMMA That Attracts And Keeps Top Dollar Clients Happy

👉 How To Successfully Maintain Your Professional Frame If A Client Tries To Make You Their Lower Status Employee

👉 Mumbling Introvert To Stone Cold Closer: How To Harness Your CEO Voice To Appear Cool, Calm, And Collected On Sales Calls...

👉 The Ultimate Guide To Scaling Your SMMA From A Chump Change 1-Man Operation To An Industry Titan Agency

👉 How To Build Up A Rockstar Portfolio So Top Dollar Clients Seek YOU Out

👉 Mastering The Fundamentals Of CEO-ing: The 4 "blindspots" to look out for as you scale that I learned the hard way (you don't want to go from a hard-earned $10K per month a big phat 0)

👉 Hanging With Michael [ALL Recordings]

👉 Transitioning From "Free Trials" To 4-Figure Monthly Retainers And Revenue % Shares (The Rainman Technique)

👉 Handling Nuclear Objections: If You Can't Stand These 3 Most Popular Objections On A Sales Call, You Might As Well Not Even Show Up And Cancel The Meeting

That’s over $9,750 in FREE bonuses.

But when you agree to join MinyonaELITE right now, you won’t pay anywhere near that…

Because I really want to give you the best deal possible.

But when we're dealing with something that has taken me over a decade to trial and error and build, I can’t just give this information out to everyone.

And if I set a low price tag MinyonaELITE, guess what?

Everyone would buy it.

That devalues the information…

And the next thing you know, all of these fake YouTubers, which you already know I hate, would take the whole MinyonaELITE system…

…Put it on their channel and make advertising money off MY research and MY proven methods.

I’ve seen it happen before. And I’m not gonna let it happen to me.

Because everyone who’s already joined MinyonaELITE and built a respectable 5-figure a month SMMA would be pissed.

I don't want tons of pissed off members sending me angry emails…

I'd rather have a select few very, very happy (and skilled!) kickass marketers inside my group.

With that in mind, I'm keeping the admittance of MinyonaELITE as small as possible, and ultimately protected from the masses.

That's why I have to keep my prices relatively high…

So I hope you understand why the published price of Minyona Elite will soon cost you $497 per month.

Now considering how much this system can give you copy-and-paste skills…

And help you replace your mentally painful 9 to 5 long before this year ends…

Plus, the $9,750 in free bonuses…

Is $297 Per Month Really Such a High Price?

Can You Really Put a Price Tag on the Ability To Forever Change Your Life?

Would you be willing to pay $297 per month to be an entrepreneur jetting off to only God 
knows where every month?

To retire your parents and save your family…?

I’ve been a SMMA CEO for 11 years now, and I don’t know anyone that’s ever left the rat race without paying for the necessary knowledge to break free.

But I know plenty of people who’ve made life changing money after going to 3-day in-person $10,000 masterminds.

Myself included…

I’ve paid tens of thousands of dollars just to be in the same room as multi-millionaires…

And I got paid much more than that just to talk to them…

So please understand, I know 9 to 5’s today don’t allow anyone to save up more than $10,000 a month to travel to masterminds.

That’s why I believe $297 per month when I toss in $9,750 worth of extra bonuses is a fair deal.

And I’m dying to see how much it could change your life… so I’m going to do something very special for a limited time because I want you try it today.

If you agree to try out MinyonaELITE today, I’m going to throw in my SMMA A-Z Scaling Masterclass…

I’m so confident that you will succeed just from the course content alone that I want to give you everything you’ll need to know once you’re 100% ready to scale and begin hiring people to handle your old grunt work.

This is EVERYTHING you’ll receive when you agree to join MinyonaELITE today.

Access To My Brain - MinyonaELITE

Once you sign up, I will IMMEDIATELY email you access to the MinyonaELITE society..

There you can find EVERYTHING including training videos, snapshots of how I do things, and all the details behind my constantly growing $120K SMMA that will have you quitting your day job and starting the life you’ve always known you could live.

You’ll find that every video is very easy to follow along in the MinyonaELITE… so you can be rest assured you’re doing everything 100% correctly. You’ll find additional specific tips, tricks, and techniques I’ve perfected over the past 11 years to grow and scale your SMMA from a side hustle to your ‘main hustle.’

Weekly Check-Ins

How lame would I be if I just gave you access and that was the last you ever saw of me? Don’t worry, that’s not what’s happening here…

When you join MinyonaELITE, it’s just the beginning of our relationship together…

Every week I’m going to host LIVE calls where you can show up and tell me exactly what you’re doing now and how I can help you succeed faster..
I want you to know that me, you, and this small group are in this together.

The way I see it, you have three options.

Ignore Everything You’ve Learned Today

You can do absolutely nothing…

Even after everything I’ve shown you today…

The MinyonaELITE society…

All of the content inside…

If you want to pretend the facts don’t exist, that’s ok.

But when you see your friend quit their job and start living on his own terms, you’ll always wonder if he got into MinyonaELITE before I close the doors.

And maybe he did.

So option #1 is you can walk away and wonder “what if” for the rest of your life…

Risk Everything By Going At It Alone

You can take what you learned today and go at it alone…
And good for you.

At least I’ve given you a ton of information today… so I’d say you’re much better off than most.

Now you know a lot of YouTube videos and so called ‘experts’ will lead you to dead ends.

So you could try to spend your time going through all of the trial and error like I did…

It will probably take you a long time…

Like I said, it took more than a decade to gain this expertise and wealth I’ve created…

But if you’re someone that would rather spend a lot more time…

Doing a LOT more work… just to save a small amount of cash…

Well, then that’s your choice and I’m perfectly fine with that.

Or you can take the final option…

Let Me and My ELITE Community Guarantee Your Ability To Leave Your Current Way-Of-Life Behind

Take one tiny action today…

And it could have one of the greatest possible impacts on your life.

All you need to do is click the ‘JOIN’ button right now.

I’ve already done all the hard work for you. (That’s what you’re paying me for, after all!)

All you need to do is follow this done-for-you roadmap… consisting of me hand-holding you to success…

And you can start seeing interested replies from clients you send outreach to in your first week inside!

With one project you already made your money back.

And a bunch more happy satisfied clients over the course of the coming months which will finally let you leave your job.

The fact of the matter is…

There are already plenty of people inside the MinyonaELITE who thought they were “too dumb”…

Were “too busy”…

And “didn’t quite cut it”.

…And they’re all thriving now - landing clients left and right that they KNOW they can now deliver for.

So why couldn’t you?

Now is the time!

If you're ready to break free from trading your time for money and start pursuing the career you dream of, I'm right here waiting for you to take my hand.

I know it can be scary, but I've been in your shoes.

In the words of a sage writer:

"When you hesitate, you miss the chance to dance with the stars."

So what are you waiting for? 

Simply click the ‘Join’ button below and let’s get started.

I’m looking forward to watching your testimonial videos... 


Michael Mignogna
Founder of MinyonaELITE
CEO of Minyona Digital

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